


輪機工程是提供船舶動力與能量來源的重要產業技術,扮演推動海運業發展與升級的決定性角色,本跨校與跨領域輪機團隊多年來研發與掌握多項的輪機關鍵產業技術,並應用上述技術服務輪機廠商已有顯著績效。本團隊將藉由所持有技術之產業應用性、人才培育能量及符合企業技術需求等優勢,結合輪機產業上、中、下游廠商,共同組成輪機產業技術產業技術提昇暨服務聯盟,以持續協助輪機相關產業發展。 本計畫規劃三大技術服務主軸,包括技術輔導、行銷與推廣以及人才培育。技術輔導方面涵蓋柴油主機性能提昇技術、船體防腐蝕及自潔、節能減碳的船舶LED照明、船舶智慧型電力控制技術、故障診斷及排除等五大核心技術之應用發展。 行銷與推廣方面包括互動式產業聯盟網路系統建置、更新與維護;推廣與教育最新輪機產業技術;媒合產學合作專案計畫;輔導協助專利申請與技術移轉給適當廠商生產或使用;舉辦輪機產品或技術的行銷推廣活動,與積極規劃會員廠商的技術教育訓練。 人才培育方面,包括在職培訓最新輪機產業技術,以及根據產業發展趨勢,培訓在校學生或有興趣人士學習輪機相關技術,成為聯盟廠商所需的技術人才。本聯盟亦將辦理各種技術提昇訓練與實作講座及保養維修等相關輪機教育訓練。藉由本產學聯盟運作,未來三年將逐步完成建立輪機產業技術推廣與服務平臺、協助聯盟廠商檢測輪機相關設備的性能、專家輔導與產學合作諮詢、輔導廠商申請政府補助計畫、舉辦輪機產業技術暨實作訓練、輪機技術交流研習與輪機產業技術專利交流研討會等工作成果,期以建立全國最完整的「輪機產業技術提昇暨服務中心」,引領臺灣輪機產業技術鏈走向國際化,以提昇整體輪機產業的營運產值。





Marine engineering is an important industrial technology for providing sources of power and energy of marine vessels. Hence, it determines the extents of development and upgrading of maritime industry. Our working members of the interdisciplinary team consisting of academic professors from four universities have developed and owned a few key marine engineering technologies. We have helped marine factories using such key technologies and received significant benefits. In this project, we will unite with the marine factories of upstream, middle stream and down stream industries to establish the Promotion and Service Alliance for Marine Industrial Technology (PSAMIT) by virtue of our advantages of industry applicability of our technologies, capability of talent cultivation, and technology conformity of marine industries in order to assist their continuous development. Three main service frames are organized, which include technology counselling, marketing and promotion for technologies, and cultivation of marine professionals. In the aspect of technology counselling, the application of our key technologies such as promotion of marine engine performance, raise of fuel properties and combustion efficiency, anti-corrosion and self-cleaning of vessel hull, LED illumination toward carbon reduction, fault diagnosis and elimination, and intelligent power control is involved. Regarding to marketing and promotion for technologies, we will build up and maintain the websites of the alliance, promote and educate the most recent marine technologies, and create cooperating projects between academicians and industrialists, and transfer patents to possible manufactures. We will hold relevant technology workshops or seminar to disseminate and educate new technologies. In dealing with the last service frame for the cultivation of marine professionals, a serial of personnel training courses for professional licenses such as boiler or pressurized vessel will be provided. The platform of service and development for marine industrial technology will be established systematically during the execution of the three-year project. We will also assist the marine industrial factories for the performance evaluation of marine power plants, application for government subsidy, technology counselling by experts, and developing together new technologies. The most innovative and complete center of promotion and service for marine industrial technology is expected to establish so that internationalization of marine industry and value-added technologies will be soon achieved with the effort of our alliance team.


本產學聯盟將藉由所擁有的輪機產業關鍵技術,包括柴油主機性能檢測評估提昇、船體防腐蝕及自潔、節能減碳的船舶LED照明、船舶智慧型電力控制技術、故障診斷及排除等五大核心技術擴散給聯盟廠商,合作開發新技術或產品,並協助產業界發展創新與永續環保的經營模式。本聯盟將對促進我國輪機產業技術提昇與產業發展作出永續 科技部產學小聯盟 ◎ 2019 輪機產業技術提昇暨服務聯盟
